Sunday, March 11, 2012

Makeup Bags, Cases or Boxes?

Makeup Storage can be tricky! 

We all store our makeup in different manners, some like them on a desktop others in bags. Obviously this all depends on how much makeup you have. If you only use a few products you might just have them on a desktop (or bathroom sink!). 

In our opinion, makeup bags are difficult too use if you have more than a few products, they get easily full and dirty ;/ Makeup cases feel too big for just one person, however, it's perfect for all you makeup artists out there! 

We are going to share a favorite way to store our makeup! 

A makeup box! 

These makeup boxes are really  'craft' boxes! They can be found at craft stores, according to them it should be used to store different crafting tools ( scissors, glue, glitter, paper, paint brushes etc.) We immediately saw the box as  perfect makeup boxes! 

You can fit big palettes, bushes, bottles in the bottom level and the other two levels can be used for single eye shadows, mascaras, makeup pencils, small scissor (for eyelashes!) makeup glue whatever you have! It is really easy to travel with these boxes. I (DY) have two boxes one for makeup products and the other for just makeup tools but start by getting one and see how it compliments your stuff! 

If you are quite anal about neatness & like things in a logical order you have to get one of these! 
Go to your nearest craft store and get one!  

DY & Roe 


  1. That box is such a good idea, I keep my everyday make up in a bag & the rest in a box from Paperchase, which would be more effective if it was see through! x

  2. If you can find one, get it! They are usually relatively cheap and such a good investment!
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  3. Great post! I also store my products in a box but I never really thought about these stackable boxes. Thanks for sharing!

    Karen @
